M3 Revax Green Acrylic TI

M3 Revax Green Acrylic TI

  • TITANAX female for bonding with Ceka Site
  • Retention part for acrylic resin
  • Casting may be in any alloy
  • No miscast or devesting errors
  • The accurate titanium female insert is bonded in after all other procedures are completed
  • The abutment crowns and female attachment may be altered if necessary after try-in
  • The acrylic retention cap may be easily removed with heat, from the prosthesis and replaced or repositioned if necessary
  • Clinical/Intra-oral: the acrylic retention cap is easily connected to a cast frame in the mouth, or may be easily picked up in the mouth
SKU: 30275TICategories: Attachments


  • Quantity: 1

M3 Revax Green Acrylic TI